I WANT this.

by myjourneytofindclaire



These are the lessons, I’ll do well to remember them. 

Lesson #1: Despair can be avoided by teaching yourself something.

Lesson #2: Choices are a luxury.

Lesson #3: You have as much control as you perceive yourself to have.

Lesson #4: Perspective is your shit shield.

Lesson #5: “What if” is the single stupidest phrase anyone can ever utter.

Lesson #6: What was lacking before will be in abundance later.

Lesson #7: Never stop traveling.

Lesson #8: Nothing lasts forever

Lesson #9: Ruts and highs are inevitable and impermanent.

Lesson #10: Moments are fleeting by nature. Hold on to them, remember them, don’t lament when they’re gone but be grateful that they happened.

Lesson #11: Substance should never be sacrificed. 

Lesson #12: There is a world beyond yours.